Happy New Month!
I hope that the start of the year has treated you well.
I kicked of the month of January speaking at the wonderful Sue Omar’s #SlimDownWithSue workshop. I met Sue when she was working at Spell Magazine a couple of years ago and we have remained in contact ever since. She has been a staunch supporter of Keziah CONNECTIONS too!
Sue has achieved an amazing weight loss goal over the past year dropping a massive 120 pounds in less that 12 months! She launched her YouTube channel last year as well and has garnered a loyal following.
Her workshop gave her fans the chance to meet her and to learn more about wellness and fitness in a positive and uplifting environment. Sue asked me to speak about goal setting and achieving your goals based on what I have been able to achieve with my blog – and it was a true honour to do so! I talked about the need to have vision, focus and positive self talk!
I also put on my ‘academic leadership’ hat last month, as I helped to organise and chair the UCL BME Alumni Network’s first anniversary celebration! It was such a honour to have Angie Greaves speak at the event, alongside Norman Vaughn of BT – whom both shared their insight and wisdom and offered words of encouragement to the attendees.
Read more about the evening here – an fantastic review written by one of the Network’s committee members. If you are a UCL (or Institute of Education) graduate and want to find out more about the network, please register your interest here.
Through it all, my Janet Collection Havana Mambo braids, which were installed just before Christmas last year by Audrey of A-Touch Professional have been holding up!
When I first saw these braids on the social media circuit I knew I HAD to get them, having fallen in love with the speed of installation using the crochet braid method.
The braids come pre-twisted, with a hole at the top end to form the crochet loop. I used 6 packs of the 24 inch length to get a full look and the time taken to install from the ‘cornrow’ stage took a mere 1.5 hours! The company have brought out many other styles, including bulk and single plaits, so it looks like the way we ‘braid’ our hair is set for a revolution!
Watch this space!!
One thing that I love about wearing crochet braids is that you can get to your scalp to keep it moisturised. I have been using the ORS Hairepair Vital Oil for Hair & Scalp. The blend of Grapeseed and Sweet Almond oil restores the natural moisture levels of the hair whilst providing nourishment and shine. It smells divine and is light enough to use on the braids themselves.
The nozzle is also perfect for getting right into the cornrow base too! This oil is available at Superdrug.
I have been wearing the braids for nearly 5 weeks or so and I love them! I am extremely impressed with the wear and longevity. I have recently loosened the twists – another advantage of the braids – you can essentially get two styles for the price of one!
I have recieved SO many compliments for BOTH styles – from friends and family to strangers walking up to me on the street! I will definitely be rocking these braids again!
Let me know if you have tried these new braids and how you got one…oh and look out for more styles in 2016!