When I started my blog back in 2011 – the strapline “Black. British. Beautiful. Proud.” instantly dropped into my heart. Little did I know how important those four words would become to me.
Over these past couple of years, the representation of Women of colour in the media, the urgent requirement for our voices to be heard and the need to have a candid and open conversation about the topic of being a British Woman of Colour has become a defining part of my outlook.
I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that this conversation, with all stakeholders making a contribution – Women of colour, Caucasian women, those in the media, those in key positions in other sectors and institutions, young women, older women…and men too – is absolutely vital to begin to resolve these issues.
So…welcome to my BPL Talks series – a collection of posts that will host this “conversation”.
20 May 2014 White Mum..Afro Hair – A conversation with the mother of a child of Mixed Heritage – by Sally Kneeshaw