BPL repping #BrownBeauty On and Offline!


…I was chilling in my room on Monday evening, scrolling through my Instagram if I remember correctly, when my phone started pinging with Twitter notifications such as these…

Gosh! I hadn’t realised that the episode of Channel 4’s Shop Secrets: Tricks of the Trade, where myself and fellow beauty bloggers Hayley aka London Beauty Queen, Zoe of Zoe London and Lina of Make Up To Make Out were featured talking about the value of beauty, was being shown this week!


We filmed the episode last year after blind testing a selection moisturising creams to see if we could ascertain the price from their aesthetics and performance…

It's meeeee on TV!!

It’s meeeee on TV!!

All smiles for the camera...ha ha ha!

All smiles for the camera…ha ha ha!

Repping #teambrownbeauty !

Repping #teambrownbeauty !

…check out the results of the test here (episode 5)!

It was a fun experience and I am chuffed that I was able to represent the #brownbeauty blogging community!
Thanks for all of your tweets and Instagram and Facebook likes – I really appreciate your support!

Since starting my blog in 2011, I have been afforded many exciting opportunities such as this one and I am grateful to God! If you are thinking about stating a blog…just do it! The world (literally) is your oyster!

At the latter end of last month, I woke up to this fab tweet from Company magazine…



Many thanks to senior features writer Carlene Thomas Bailey for the inclusion!


Not only was it a lovely surprise to featured in the write up but it was also satisfying to see that Carlene, a fellow British WoC, writing and influencing the content of the magazine. Positive representations of WoC in the British media are few and far between, but I have always said and truly believe that as we as WoC attain key positions in companies such as Carlene has, WE will be able to influence the key decisions and dictate OUR own stories that can be shared with society as a whole!

Go #TeamBrownBeauty!!

As we all work together – bloggers, magazines, beauty companies et. al – we can start to initiate and perpetuate a positive change that will see the WoC represented fairly and celebrated completely for her beauty, intelligence and contribution to society.

6 comments for “BPL repping #BrownBeauty On and Offline!

  1. April 16, 2014 at 4:29 pm

    Yay. Great opportunity :0) Well done,

  2. Jacalyn
    April 16, 2014 at 5:16 pm

    Yeah keep on repping it up BPL. Ndulge is with you all the way!

  3. April 16, 2014 at 6:23 pm

    Soon as I saw your tweet, I downloaded it. Was sitting there so proud. You could have been talking about soap powder, I was just grinning with pride. Keep repping, you’re doing a great job! We all need to find, maintain and grow our positions and niches. Thus creating positive images of WoC diligently.

    • May 16, 2014 at 9:56 am

      Thanks SOOOOO much hun xxx Your support is much appreciated xx

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